
Kind Attention :

Admissions Open 2025-26 for std KG to IX & XI

The School Rules and Regulations have been established in partnership with the community over a long period of time. They reflect the school community’s expectations in terms of acceptable standards of behavior, dress and personal presentation in the widest sense. Students are expected to follow the school rules at all times when on the school grounds or when clearly associated with the school i.e. when wearing school uniform.

  • To attend school regularly and on time always.
  • To respect the right of others to learn.
  • To respect their fellow-friends, peers and teachers regardless of religion and gender.
  • To handle the property and equipment of the school and others safely.
  • To carry out reasonable instructions from all to the best of their ability.
  • To conduct themselves in a courteous and appropriate manner in school and in public.
  • To maintain the school environment and the local community free from litter.
  • To observe the uniform code of the school.
  • To adhere to all school communication and bring them to the notice of their parents / guardians.
  • To participate in all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Students are cautioned not to bring large amount of money, cellphone or cameras to school, and if they wear glasses or watches, to keep track of them at all times. The school is not responsible for all their personal properties.

As per rules of the school, students are not allowed to bring any visitors to school, however parents and guardians are welcome and are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the teacher, the PRO and the Principal for any necessary purpose.

Continuous and willful refusal to accomplish school tasks even though able to do so; insubordination; disorderly, vicious, illegal or immoral conduct, and persistent violation of school regulations are causes for suspension from school. Any violations of school discipline code can lead to the Principal’s decision to suspend.

Students are representatives of our school from leaving home until they return and are thus expected to set themselves a high standard of behavior both inside and outside the school. The school uniform should be worn tidily and correctly both at school and between home and school. The full school uniform must be worn at all times. Shirts are to be tucked in; socks are to be pulled up; heel straps in place. Where a situation arises concerning a student’s uniform, written requests for temporary wearing of non-regulation items must be referred to head of the institution.

Students are issued picture ID Cards. These cards are the official form of identification at school and must be in their possession at all times. They will not be able to use the school library or go on school trips without them. They must be presented when they enter the building and to staff members upon request. Lost or misplaced ID cards must be replaced immediately. There is a fee for duplicate cards.

Punctuality is one of the best virtues of the students, It is extremely important to every student’s progress. All the students are expected to be on time to school. Repeated lateness to school or to a subject class will required the parent conference and may result in disciplinary action.

Regular attendance and participation in physical education classes is required of all students. A student may be excused from participating in activities which could endanger his / her health under written recommendation of his / her physician. If the restrictions of activities are to be for a prolonged period, the physician must specify the exact duration of the restriction, the medical reasons for the restrictions, and the types of activities that would be restricted or eliminated. Alternate work or assignment will be given to the student during that period.

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